Rain-proof luminaires (IPX3) are sprayed with water for 10 minutes by means of an oscillating semi-circular spray tube.Perforated so that jets of water are directed towards the luminaire. The water flow rate at the inlet of the test apparatus is approximately 0.07 l/min ± 5 % per hole multiplied by the number of holes (approximately 80 kN/m²).
The tube oscillates through an angle of 120° (this is split into 60° on either side of the luminaire). Allowing time for one complete oscillation (2 x 120°) being about 4 s. The luminaire is mounted above the pivot line of the tube. This is so the ends of the luminaire receive adequate coverage from the jets. The luminaire is turned about its vertical axis during the test at a rate of 1 r.p.m. After the 10 minute period, the luminaire is switched off and allowed to cool naturally; whilst the water spray is continued for a further 10 minutes.