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IPX3 and IPX4 – Rainwater Proof Test

Rain-proof luminaires (IPX3) are sprayed with water for 10 minutes by means of an oscillating semi-circular spray tube.Perforated so that jets of water are directed towards the luminaire. The water flow rate at the inlet of the test apparatus is approximately 0.07 l/min ± 5 % per hole multiplied by the number of holes (approximately 80 kN/m²).

The tube oscillates through an angle of 120° (this is split into 60° on either side of the luminaire). Allowing time for one complete oscillation (2 x 120°) being about 4 s. The luminaire is mounted above the pivot line of the tube. This is so the ends of the luminaire receive adequate coverage from the jets. The luminaire is turned about its vertical axis during the test at a rate of 1 r.p.m. After the 10 minute period, the luminaire is switched off and allowed to cool naturally; whilst the water spray is continued for a further 10 minutes.

Water Test

Splash-proof luminaires (IPX4) are tested using the same equipment and method as used for the IPX3 test. The only difference is that the tube oscillates through an angle of almost 360° (180° on either side). Allowing the time for one complete oscillation (2 x 360°) being about 12 s.

After completion of the IPX3 or IPX4 test, the luminaire is inspected. Ensuring that there is no trace of water on the electrical connections, current carrying parts or on insulation; where it could become a hazard for the user or surroundings.

Immediately following the water and dust tests, the luminaire shall withstand the electric strength test specified in Section 10 of BS EN 60598-1.

IPX5 and IPX6 – Water Jet Proof Test

The Ingress Protection IPX5 test is called the water jet test. The luminaire is heated to normal operating temperature, then switched off and immediately subjected to a water jet from all directions for 15 minutes using a hose. The hose nozzle is held 3 metres away from the sample. The water volume is 12.5 litres per minute.

Water Test

The Ingress Protection IPX6 test is called the powerful water jet test. The luminaire is heated to normal operating temperature, then switched off and immediately subjected to a water jet from all directions for 3 minutes using a hose. The hose nozzle is held 3 metres away from the sample. The water volume is 100 litres per minute.

Once the IPX5 or IPX6 test is completed, the exterior of the luminaire is dried and then the luminaire is opened and inspected for signs of water ingress.

Compliance with BS EN 60598-1 is met if there is no water found inside the luminaire after the test.

Water Test Tank

Our luminaires are submerged in water to test the water ingress of our products up to IPX7 and IPX8.

We use the water tank with a capacity of approximately 1.2 cubic metres to test IP ratings of IPX7 and IPX8.

• IPX7- 30 minutes underwater with 1 metre of water above the luminaire.
• IPX8- 30 minutes underwater with 1.3 metres of water above the luminaire.

Water Test

Once the IPX7 or IPX8 test is completed, the exterior of the luminaire is dried and then the luminaire is opened and inspected for signs of water ingress.

Compliance with BS EN 60598-1 is met if there is no water found inside the luminaire after the test.

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