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Rail Maintenance Facilities

Typical Applications – Railway Maintenance Facilities

Scroll through the typical railway maintenance facilities lighting applications. To improve lighting in these areas, we are focusing on four key priorities: safety, illumination quality, reliability and sustainability.

Rail maintenance shed lighting must address the environment’s unique needs and specialised tasks, ensuring adequate brightness to maintain safety and support efficient operations.

Maintenance Pits - Heavy Duty

To ensure a clean, safe workspace, we recommend high IP-rated luminaires, like IP69K, designed to endure rigorous cleaning, including high-pressure water jets.

Maintenance Pits - Light Duty

Light duty rail maintenance pits require consideration of secure pit access, safe movement under trains, and an effective emergency escape route for worker safety.

Building Perimeters

Railway maintenance facilities often use building perimeters to light the site, access roads, parking, and walkways, but this can cause glare for train drivers and unwanted lighting for neighbours.

Walkways alongside tracks must allow clear access to both train ends, with effective lighting ensuring safe passage while minimising disturbance to neighbors and wildlife.

Best Practice Lighting Guide

Our lighting guide identifies typical rail maintenance facilities applications. We examine the benefits of robust construction and lighting controls to reduce your cost of ownership and carbon footprint.

CPD – Sustainable Lighting for Railway Stations of the Future

With Great British Railways (GBR) due to replace  Network in Rail in the near future, the UK rail industry is focusing on sustainable lighting for the railway stations of the future. This CPD seminar looks at how this will be achieved through the rail industry’s 4S framework: Sustainability, satisfaction (customer), safety and stewardship.

We will look at what GBR considers a sustainable luminaire, the circular economy and sustainable product design. How manufactures can aid safety measures and improve customer satisfaction will be examined and stewardship measures explained. The CPD will conclude with some rail lighting best practice advice.

To find out more please contact, or complete the form below

    Network Rail Lighting Design In Stations Manual

    Congratulations to everyone who contributed to Network Rail’s “Lighting Design in Stations” manual. This release establishes lighting standards across the rail network. We are honored to have supported Network Rail, along with Equation, in the creation of this document.

    You can also connect with us on LinkedIn for ongoing updates.
