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Typical Applications – Overground Rail

Scroll through the typical overground rail lighting applications. We focus on the principles of good lighting and Network Rail’s 4S’s roadmap (Sustainability, Satisfaction, Safety, Stewardship).

Rail Maintenance Facilities

Lighting in Railway Maintenance Facilities should enhance user experience, neighbouring areas, and the broader environment.

Covered platform lighting must meet standards for visibility and uniformity, ensuring clear visibility of objects and surfaces in all conditions. Concerns include signage, platform edges, and glare control for driver visibility and safety.

Open train platforms face challenges in maintaining consistent illuminance and uniform lighting. LED luminaires ensure uniformity between undercover and pole-top lighting, creating a seamless platform experience.

Ticket area lighting should be inviting and uniform in booking halls, with smooth transitions to adjacent areas. Increased vertical illuminance helps users recognise signage, ticket areas, barriers, exits, and displays.

Car park lighting should ensure visibility, instill confidence, and promote safety. Lights should be strategically positioned over and between parked cars to minimise potential hiding spots.

The Station Forecourt creates the first impression for passengers, so lighting should prioritise safety and amenity. Adequate illumination creates a welcoming atmosphere and provides clear guidance to thoroughfares and facilities.

Subways and underpasses can feel insecure due to perceived crime risks. Though not always present, these enclosed spaces can cause uncertainty, which effective lighting can alleviate for passengers.

Staircases and footbridges vary in design. Effective lighting enhances safety and capacity by illuminating walking surfaces, treads, and risers.

General Circulation Spaces lighting should have good uniformity. Well-designed lighting and leading up to retail or refreshments units, must be warm and welcoming for effective wayfinding and to drive footfall.

Office and back of house

Office and back-of-house areas require high-quality lighting focusing on visual comfort and glare reduction. Light levels should be carefully selected to suit various tasks such as screen work, paperwork, and meetings.

Public toilets may be heavily used. Lighting should be sufficient to aid safe access and promote feelings of cleanliness whilst also enabling cleaning operations.

Transport waiting-rooms, should provide welcoming lighting that promote feelings of safety and security. Bright interiors with light-colored surfaces and higher vertical illuminance, along with ceiling illumination, are preferable.

Core Lighting Requirements for Transport

Effective lighting enhances visual clarity and comfort in transportation settings, fostering feelings of safety and inclusivity for all, regardless of mobility or sensory impairment. With over 50 years of experience, we tailor vandal and weather-resistant luminaires to meet the unique challenges of the transport sector.

CPD – Sustainable Lighting for Railway Stations of the Future

With Great British Railways (GBR) due to replace  Network in Rail in the near future, the UK rail industry is focusing on sustainable lighting for the railway stations of the future. This CPD seminar looks at how this will be achieved through the rail industry’s 4S framework: Sustainability, satisfaction (customer), safety and stewardship.

We will look at what GBR considers a sustainable luminaire, the circular economy and sustainable product design. How manufactures can aid safety measures and improve customer satisfaction will be examined and stewardship measures explained. The CPD will conclude with some rail lighting best practice advice.

To find out more please contact, or complete the form below

    Best Practice Lighting Guide

    Our lighting guide identifies typical overground rail applications. We examine the benefits of robust construction and lighting controls to reduce your cost of ownership and carbon footprint. To download your copy click on the button below.

    Network Rail Lighting Design In Stations Manual

    Congratulations to everyone who contributed to Network Rail’s “Lighting Design in Stations” manual. This release establishes lighting standards across the rail network. We are honored to have supported Network Rail, along with Equation, in the creation of this document.

    You can also connect with us on LinkedIn for ongoing updates.
